Well, would you believe it? My old friend—and Young America's star employee—John has graced this humble blog with his presence and left a comment. You may want to shield your eyes, though, kids. John's got quite the potty-mouth:
rob [my last name] said...
Dear Rob:
You're a whiny fucking bitch. It's a 30 dollar rebate for a phone that you can probably barely afford. Suck it up for real. Why don't you go ahead and make something of your life rather than making a website about how some company whose sole purpose in life is probably to deny rebates did their job properly.
In conclusion: You're a fucking whiner and should return to your life of perpetual virginity and wife beating.
February 24, 2007 1:24 AM
Poor John maybe had a wee bit too much to drink last night. (Note: John lives in Minnesota, so he actually left the comment at 12:24 AM his time.)
Anyway, you're probably wondering how I know John left the comment, and not some other random person who just decided to go to the trouble of doing so. Let's review the facts:
The comment is left on the same day that I tell John about this blog.
John "signs" his comment using my full name (I've edited out my last name as I wish to remain anonymous). Now, here's the thing: Nobody, and I mean NOBODY on this planet, except John and I, knows the identity of this blog's author. (John knows because I e-mailed him about it. Do try and keep up!)
It must be pretty difficult to be simultaneously a wife-beater and a virgin, no? OK, that's not relevant, but I thought it worthy of a mention.
John puts me in mind of one of those Hollywood villains whose ill-advised attempts to seem smart always precipitate their rapid downfall. He probably thought, perhaps in an alcohol-soaked torpor, that letting me know that he knows my last name would spook me in some way. Instead, all he did was reveal his own identity.
By the way, I have deleted the comment now. As I said, I wish to remain anonymous, and the comment included my last name.