Wow! A letter from the T-Mobile rebate people. That was quick! Let's open it up and put my rebate check in a safe place!
Or maybe not.
I can't believe it. No store receipt=no rebate. Do you really mean to tell me that their system isn't set up to issue rebates for phones bought on the web?
I scream.
I kick the cat.
I cancel Christmas.
But nothing seems to work.
No store receipt=no rebate.
I call the 1-877 number to explain that I don't have a store receipt because I didn't BUY THE PHONE FROM A %&*%$# STORE!
Only I am actually quite calm. I expect this to be sorted out easily enough.
A smarmy 15-year old kid takes my call. He's reading from a script. Apparently it's no problem that I don't have a store receipt. Valid alternatives include blah blah….
I interrupt to remind him that I've already said that I sent in my order confirmation e-mail.
Oh dear. This isn't in the script.
"Oh well, we didn't receive it, sir."
Fine. He tells me to send a copy of the order confirmation e-mail to the original submission address. He also tells me to contact them shortly after resubmitting it to confirm that they have received it.